Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wedding Websites

So, my friend calls me the other day and tells me to go to a mutual friends "wedding website". Ummmm yeah..... you guessed it, it was a website that they dedicated to themselves and their wedding.

Clearly there is nothing better going on in my life than to read about the following subjects:
"How we met"
"The Ring"
"The Proposal"
"Everybody and their mother who is in the wedding"
"The Church"
"The Reception"

and Lucky me..along with every detailed paragraph describing their love for one another...there are pictures...lots of GD pictures.

I'm pretty sure anyone looking at this website a.) knows who you are and has heard the sappy wedding torture for the last 8 months and b.) does not need to look at 75 of the same picture with different backgrounds.

Oh. We get it.

After my retinas burning from the sicko love and happiness glowing off of my computer screen, I had a change of heart and realized that someday I could potentially have a Wedding Website of my own.

Clearly it would look more like this:

"How We Met"

"The Ring"

"The Proposal"

"The Wedding Party"

"The Reception"

Oh and I'll be registered at Gucci. See ya then bitches!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You go girl!!! Tell me about it!! I hate those damn fucking sites too!