Friday, August 8, 2008

I Wanna Know Where the Gold At.

I am without a doubt, 100% Pro-Crack Use.

Screw Rehab - Let these crackheads hit the pipe in peace and provide us all with hours and hours of entertainment.

For instance:

Some of my favorite musicians are smokin the dope.

Without crackheads......there would be no mythical irish midgets climbing trees in Alabama:

#1. "it's a crackheaaaaad. A crackhead that got ahold of the wrong stuff"

#2 "This is a special Leprechaun flute passed down thousands of years ago from my great great grandfather who is irish"

#3 "I wanna know where the gold at"

Amazing. What's weird is that the leprechaun does not shock me. the only thing that shocks me is that that guy's great grandfather was actually Irish.


Speaking of Gold. Please watch this clip in its entirety because it is PURE GOLD.


#1 Sweep the leg. No mercy.

#2 Nothing stings more than a Mcdonalds #1 Supersized getting thrown at you.

#3 Is it just me or is the name "Sebastian" amazing in this clip.

Dear Crackhead,

You are a bucket of sunshine. Thank you for shooting me that toothless crazy grin from across the street. I'm sorry I don't speak "Crackhead" but something tells me that as you arch your back and stick out your bloated belly you're somehow communicating to me that we're friends.

I love you crackhead. Thanks for the laughs and for the good times.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was totes Jamaica Ave.