Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh Chola

Dear Cholas,

Please explain to me who was the first to decide that shaving off your eyebrows and drawing them in with a pencil was a good idea?

But you didn't just stop there chola princess.
Oh no - you got crazy and decided that lining your lips with that same black pencil was a new amazing beauty technique.

Anyone who has the patience to outline their facial features in sharpie and then scrunch their hair with aquanet until it falls into perfect crunchy wet ringlets - well I have no choice but to respect you Chola.

Clearly you could knock me out with one punch of your brass knuckle name plate ring.

Oh and I know your powers chola. I know how you roll in chola gangs and you wear chola bandanas. Sometimes you get realllllly fancy and roll up in your hydrolic ride looking like this:

But i'm not scared of a fancy chola like this. If you think you are going to blind me with your cubic zircona belly jewel, and then claw me with your press on nails - you are wrong my friend.

