Saturday, June 28, 2008

Things that Annoy Me

Whoever invented the "clear" bra strap is just retarded. Right. Like I'm not going to noticed a shiny plastic strap clinging to your arm. If you don't want your bra strap to show. Wear a strapless. If you have creepo big boobs and can't wear a strapless then you shouldn't be wearing some skanko tube top anyway.

People that wear their backpacks on the train: what.the.hell. One false move as I'm standing behind you and BAM I have a concussion. Stop being a tool and just take your bag off before you get on the train.

The general rule is that if you are a grandfather and/or take some sort of arthritis/prostate/osteoporosis medication - you should not be at a bar. Period.


Me: If you are meeting me for the first time and find it necessary to come up with something witty to say about my height such as "wow, do you know how short you are?" - kill yourself. I wasn't 6'2 yesterday and suddenly woke up inside of a midget body. Douchebag.

Babies: where do I begin?
Babies on leashes. babies at baseball games. babies at the bar. babies that look like aliens. There is just too much - I'll explore this at another time.